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Monday, June 30, 2008

"Leadership and the Anti-Me"

"The conventional definition of management is getting work done through people, but real management is developing people through work." - Agha Hasan Abedi (He doesn't really seem like a great guy, but I really like the quote)

It's been an interesting week or two around here. I won't bore you with the details, but I can say that I've seen my problem and he is me. I want to share a few lessons that I've been learning lately about being a manager, or for those of you who don't manage in the corporate sense of the word, being a leader:

  1. Being a leader does not mean making sure that everyone does everything your way. There are many ways to build a box, facilitate and moderate the construction.
  2. Being a leader requires communication and learning the language of everyone on the team. Few people communicate in exactly the same way, but the team must move in the same direction, therefore it's your responsibility to communicate that direction to everyone.
  3. All success is contributory, but failure rests on the shoulders of the leader.
  4. A good leader may not always be well liked, but he/she is always respected.
  5. People will die for a great leader.
  6. Leadership is doing what's right, even when the competition isn't.
  7. Leadership is pouring into people so that they can pour into the project.
There's so much more and thankfully I'm still learning.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


"You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body" -C.S. Lewis

It's father's day and as I look at my children, I can't help but wonder what the future holds. I wish that I had a score card or some visible, daily reminder of how I'm doing as a father. I know that sometimes I'm self-absorbed and their little voices and questions go unheard. I know that sometimes I react with frustration when they cry or seek my attention. I know that sometimes I'm too busy to really listen to what's on their little minds and to really spend the time to touch their little hearts. In reality, most times I am only "I" and not "WE", I am only "ME" and not "THEY". I was reminded today that they are my only legacy. When I am no more than a picture and some words in the back of a newspaper, they will still be here leaving their mark on this world. In the light of eternity, their souls and our own are all that matters. All the work I've done will crumble, all the wealth I've accumulated will be spent, and all the days spent chasing "stuff" will be lost.

It's hard for me to comprehend what it means to view my life in the light of eternity. With regard to my children, I think it means that I have to demonstrate that people, no matter who they are, are more important than "stuff". It means that I have to live what I believe every day, whether they see me or not. It struck me today when I heard that it means to have the same passion and drive for my family that I have for my career. It's not an easy task, but for my children and for my legacy, it's the most important task I have.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

"Ninjas And The 10% Rule"

I tithe. Don't get me wrong, I definitely don't give as much as I should, nor have I been a consistent tither, but I've been working to spend less and give more. As I think about my giving patterns and my relative income, I've come to understand that I gave much more when I made considerably less. I've also come to understand that I seem to have a predisposition to spend more than I make. Given the bleak financial outlook for "most" Americans that's broadcast on the nightly network news, it seems that we have an epidemic of spending more or exactly what we all receive in income. If I think about it, as a nation, we have more "cash flow" than we've ever had and yet we're all drowning in debt. We are addicted to spending, and furthermore we're addicted to spending more than we have, both as individuals and as a society (see our Federal Budget and the mounting national debt). Eventually it all catches up with us, our personal circumstances change, we lose a job, we have another child, our mortgage adjusts and then we can no longer make the payments on our excessive debt as well as meet our monthly living expenses. Or in the case of the Federal Government, tax receipts go down due to the economy and/or any number of factors or the yearly budget grows more than projected tax receipts. As a nation we're facing both of these challenges, right now. Our economy is faltering, our ATMs [Houses] are empty, unemployment is up, mortgages are adjusting, tax receipts are projected to be down for the Feds, what a mess and what in the world does this have to do with tithing or ninjas?

The situation that I laid out has everything to do with tithing or personal giving in general and a tenuous connection to ninjas. You see, when our personal circumstances change and our spending is out of balance with our income we do one or a combination of three things, get a better job, cut spending, or declare bankruptcy. When our Federal Government's spending gets out of control they do one or a combination of three things, raise taxes, cut spending, or borrow (whether it be from other countries, lock boxes, etc.). Unfortunately for a lot of Americans and our government, cutting spending does not seem to be an option. Instead, heavy borrowing, bankruptcy (Vallejo, CA), or in the government's case, taxation, seem to be the options of choice. Personal borrowing or bankruptcy does not equate to raising or maintaining a healthy level of charitable giving. Furthermore, increased taxation has been shown to directly correlate to decreased charitable giving1. We Americans are some of the most generous people on the face of the planet, for a number of reasons, but our Federal Government is not. It gives limited amounts of our tax dollars to many causes, some we know and agree with, many we do not. Those in positions of power in this country want us to believe, because we tend to be a merciful culture, that extra taxation is required to help those in need (Social Security, Medicaid, Welfare Programs, etc.) I agree with the premise that we should help those in need, but I completely disagree with the methodology. I equate trusting our government with more of our money to trusting a ninja. Ninjas are powerful, organized, committed to pursuing their agenda, deadly to their enemies, but would you trust them to take care of your grandmother? I think that the person best able to decide how much to give of your money is YOU. We all believe in different things, but maybe we can all agree that helping our fellow man is a priority and there are thousands of good charities that do just that. I read recently that if the mainline denominational Christians were all to give a 10% tithe, it would equate to 164 Billion dollars per year2. Our 2007 federally budgeted amount for Social Security, Medicaid, Welfare, and other health related programs was 964.9 Billion dollars3. If Christians gave as expected, they alone could take care of 17% of that need without the Federal Government's involvement. I propose that the 164 Billion would go a lot farther privately, if the government wasn't involved, giving rise to a greater impact than just 17% of the budgeted need.

I think it's inherently dangerous to let our government be the entity tasked with taking care of our family, friends, and loved ones. That should be our personal responsibility. Statistics show that heavier taxation equates to less per capita charitable giving and I for one do not trust that the government can efficiently handle the welfare of our entire population (Google the Soviet Union for example). Accepting higher taxes in the name of the welfare of our population and turning a blind eye toward personal responsibility to the needy is not the answer. I'll end with something I heard the other day: It's not charity if it's not your money. Think about it!


Friday, June 6, 2008

"I Am Defined"

I've been doing some reflection this week, given the birth of our third child. He's a perfectly formed baby boy and a blessing from God to us. As I consider the years of pewee football, family vacations, school, and youth in general for him, I can't help but look back on my life. I am a product of my experiences, whether they be how my parents raised me, or my early relationships with my friends, or even the books I chose to read. I am defined by those relationships, those choices, for good or bad that's who I am, and that's how my son will be defined when he reaches adulthood. I'm not saying that we're all just products, with no control over our definitions, but what I am saying is that our environment and our choices form us and develop our character. As parents we have a responsibility to shape a healthy environment for our kids and ensure that they are shepherded toward adulthood. Given the gravity of that responsibility I am so very thankful that my faith allows me to trust that my children will also be the product of a relationship with a loving God, whose providence gave them to us, and whose character will define their character.

If we are all defined by our experiences, be they good or bad, I can't help but consider how these thoughts relate to our current race for the presidency. There are many choices a parent can make that truly affect the lifestyle and development of their children, where to live, where to go to church, where to send them to school, and the list goes on. Every four years we also have the right and responsibility to evaluate and choose a president, the leader who sets the direction for our society and thus has an impact on our children's environment. I believe that when choosing we should consider all aspects of the candidates character, where they grew up, where they went to school, who their parents were, where they chose to live, who they chose to befriend, where they go or went to church, and consider truly if their words match their actions. Let's face it, when the chips are down, we all act according to our definitions, as our character dictates. Prudence dictates that there is no better gauge of the future choices a person will make than those they made in the past, but compassion and hope compel us to believe that people can change if they truly choose to do so. As for me, my choice will be prudently and hopefully made, with consideration of all aspects of each candidates' character. My choice will be made with consideration given to the environment in which I hope to raise my son. And once my choice is made, irregardless of the outcome, I will always have hope for my son's future.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

"A New Age"

I've officially opened pandora's box, found my voice and my place on the web. I can't really promise that I'll have a lot to say or that I'll be witty and smart, but I can promise to write what I'm thinking and sometimes think about what I'm writing.